Understanding the change … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Understanding the change … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article

The secret of change?!

… asking the priest that stayed in prison for years … “What is the meaning of life in prison?”

… and he replies … saying everything:

“To learn … to die.”

Nelson Mandela served 27 years in prison … and i wonder myself how the mind of such a person can change … in such a long time.

I believe that even if he was very powerful before he entered in prison, at the time he became the first president of South Africa … he was ready for the big change … but not only for himself, but for his country.

So … what is the meaning of life is prison?!

Is it .. to learn to die?!

We need to see in here the message behind the message.

The “prison” is your actual life … your daily habits … your disability to make the swift so that you can become a new you, the one you dream to be … the best version of yourself.

“To learn … to die” … means to forget about your old you … the one you want to get rid of so that you can act at your full potential.

But … do you agree to “die”?!

You want for example to become a great writer … but can you lose 12 hours a day writing and reading?!

Do you agree to wake up at 5 am in the morning, so that you can still have time for other things during the day?!

Do you agree to forget about the benefits you actually have today … in your actual life?!

A new you … will come with other rules, other advantages … other conditions.

Can you totally disconnect from the actual present?!

People as Nelson Mandela, or as many others that stayed in prisons for many, many years… were forced to be disconnected from the present … because of being arrested at that time.

You see .. if you really want the big change to appear in your life … you need to meditate more at all those great personalities that had to change their life completely and ask yourself what would mean for you … “ to learn … to die”.

Download the book ”THE ILLUSION OF CHANGE Statistic shows that we only replace a reality with a similar one” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.

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